October 30, 2007

The point of departure is not to return...


I have nothing. No house, no wife and family, just an overpriced car, and undersized apartment, into which I have paced a path through living room. Everyday I come up with a new excuse why not to jump, and everyday I remain stuck in the same misery as the day before. It is now time to stake my claim, whatever that may be. I am not built for this lifestyle, I need freedom. Less structure and more flowing. I need more control, more say so, more authority over the happenings of my life. I need...someone to talk to, not in a psychiatric way, although some might say so, but someone I can connect with deeply, but before I can do that I need to see what I am made of, find the measure of my manhood. To be honest, I am scared to death right now, as much if not more than I was when mom was sick...I liked that "when mom was sick"...as of last Wednesday she is cancer free, so now it's my turn to become free of the sickness that ails me. There is no turning back now...

In the sweetest child there's a vicious streak
In the strongest man there's a child so weak
In the whole wide world there's no magic place
So you might as well rise put on your bravest face

October 19, 2007

He and she are in the house, but there is only me at home...

It 10 o' clock on a Friday night, I've just finished watching the first episode of the new season of 'the boondocks', Maxwell is flowin' through the air. It's been a while since I've spent a Friday night alone, and I feel good. I am sure those who I usually spend my time with could use a break from my prescene for a while maybe even a long while. Yep, it's time to move on...

October 12, 2007

I can't pretend a stranger is a long awaited friend...(a quick rant)

So I decided to create my very own MySpace page. Can I say what a waste of space and time this has been. MySpace is nothing more than a cyber singles bar, you have creepy dudes trying to prey on ditsy air headed women who just want attention. Plus I would say 65% of the female profiles on MySpace, are fronts for sex adds. I wanted to use MySpace as a way of expanding my circle of friends. But what it has done is made me realize that the friends I already have are plenty enough. I guess I should have known better, considering all the horrible stories you hear about MySpace, and other sites like it. You know this whole Start My Life Over Project is getting off to a rocky start, but hey no one said it was going to be easy, and I would have been a fool to think that it would be.

Who can you believe?
It's hard to play it safe
But apart from a few good friends
We don't take anything on faith
Until later...

October 08, 2007

No one gets into their heaven without a fight...

"Gather courage, the journey has already started..."

Despite the bright sunny 80 degree October day here on the shores of of the Cuyahoga River ,
my mood is abysmal. What am I afraid of? What, pray tell, is keeping me from claiming the riches that life has for me. What is it that has me thinking I don't deserve success, and that this is a good as life is going be. When did this thinking take root, and how do I get rid of the vile weed of suppression it has grown. Last night as I was winding down to get ready for another day at 'the Grind', a friend of mine call. It was quick conversation, hurried in way. But, the one subject we talked about has echoed in my head since we hung up, and that was moving. My friend feels that there is no opportunity around these parts, and that if you want to prosper you need to go to another area, her preference I am sure is somewhere out west. I agree that this city, and the county have been mismanage and neglected, but this is still my home, my 'hood, and I want to see it come through this rough patch and prosper, and not from far away. I want to be a part of if it's blossoming into a mid west cultural center. I love it here, but some changes have to be made. Now I am not one to pontificate politically, or to discuss my alliances and why. But our conversation has gotten me thinking that where I may not have to move from the area, I do have to move on from the situation that I am in and quick. I can't let the skepticism of others prevent me from obtaining my dreams. I can't let fear constrict me like an oxen's yoke. For once, if only once, I must do the so-called irrational thing, since the so-called rational line of thinking has brought me to the undesirable. I know I am starting to sound like a Seinfeld episode, but there is some truth to that "logic". First step is to leave 'the Grind', I would have done that already except I didn't want everyone to think that I left in embarrassment of what happened. But, hindsight being what it is, I now say who gives a damn about what the think. Like the new company tag line says, "it's about me, and it's about time". Now here where the "practical" side of me starts screaming in my ear. "What are you going to do about money?", it yells, to which I replay "Valid point."(Yes I do sometimes talk to the voices in my head -grin-) What I have in reserve would take care of what I need, for a good amount of time, I could take a vacation and then get a seasonal job while I prepare to go completely self sufficient. I need one, maybe two final favors from 'the Grind' and then I'll be set. But that would prolong my stay at least through the end of the year, and I don't know if I want to spend the holidays in that place, for once I would like to enjoy HallowThanksChristmasKwanzzagivingween Year, and not avoid them like a diseased animal carcass. But the health insurance and year end bonus could come in handy. The bonus can be made up, the health insurance can't, and I want to step into the next movement assured of my physical well being. But still I feel as if I am doing nothing but making excuses for postponement, and for why? Because this would be the biggest leap of faith, I have ever taken. I have never done anything of this nature before, and it makes me uneasy, to take such a chance. Yet I crave to know joy again, and to distance myself from the mundane, and I do believe, even if no one else does, that I have the capacity and aptitude to succeed, despite all of the potential obstacles that may present themselves. I can't fear the unknown, for it is not known. For all I know it could be something great. And I don't want to miss out on something great...again.

Riding through the Range of Light
To the wounded city
Filling my spirit with the wildest wish to fly
Taking the high road , taking the high road
To the wounded city