Driving down the razor's edge between the past and the future...

Finally Holiday Season 2007 is over, as well as 2007 itself. As expected mom spent Christmas day in the hospital, which made it difficult for me to enjoy the annual family gathering that night. Hindsight being what it is I should have just spent the whole evening with my mom in the hospital, but she wouldn't have allowed me to do that. Mom was able to leave the hospital that Thursday and she is now home resting and restless. It hard to keep that woman down, it takes nothing short of major surgery. Her next sessions of chemotherapy will start in a couple of weeks. With the plan to be a little more aggressive, hopefully by spring she'll be back to her old self, or close to her old self anyway. Unfortunately we had a scare yesterday, as mom had to make a trip to the emergency room. All me and my brother received were voice mails telling us she was going, but no explanation as to why(thanks pop your a fountain of information). It turned out to be minor, but still without the ability to contact my parents for awhile, things were a little tense.
But despite that 2008 has arrived, and I feel good...I guess. I didn't do too much for New Year Eve. I did get together with some friends for dinner, but no big party or bar/club hopping. It was a nice evening though and safe so I won't complain. I really hope that this year goes a lot better than last. It's not that last year was all that bad, just frustrating as hell. Hopefully, I can get 'unstuck' and finally make some headway. I have started to further expand my personal recipe collection, and even started to stray of into the world of improvisation, one such experiment I took as my contribution to dinner the other night, and it was a hit. But now the fun stuff is over, and I need to actually start to shop my wares. There is a lot of things that I need to do and quickly. Most of it is clerical, and I hope to have these things done within the next couple of weeks, at which time the website that I've started building will be up and running, and hopefully me too...
Workin' them angels - Overtime...
Your mom sounds like a remarkable woman, strong, thinking of you at Christmas. Wishing you and your family health and happiness in 2008, success and good fortune too for the new business ventures.
Virge, check my sidebar for the Team Bravo links when you have 5 minutes to spare. xoxo
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